Cloud-based application for configuration, monitoring and remote maintenance

Configuration, maintenance, updates, error analysis
The AXING SMARTPortal provides easy remote access to the web configuration interfaces of the AXING headends and middleware servers. This allows the configuration of settings or software updates from anywhere. Long journeys to the installation site are no longer necessary. In the event of problems or at the customer’s request, assistance and error analysis is also available from AXING Support.
Secure, encrypted connection
AXING headends and the middleware servers of IPTVSolutions establish a continuously secure and encrypted connection to the SMARTPortal. The only requirement on site is an Internet connection (e.g. via LAN, EoC, EoC-WLAN-Bridge, 3G/LTE router). No complicated configuration of a router or additional software for a local computer is required.
- Fast and convenient support
- Remote configuration, installation of updates and monitoring of all integrated devices
- All installed devices at a glance
- Sorted by installation location, type, status, etc.